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can you feel the gravity falling, calling us home?
I'm Tania. 14 this year. 9th July 1995's the day. Currently studying in SMK Green Road. I love fashion and obviously leads to me loving to shop and designing. I love bangles and dresses, tho i don't normally wear dresses. I love God, He's the best. I look up to Brooke Fraser and Kari Jobe :D


Grace Daniel Grace & Priscilla Jing Yi Brenda Gloria Samuel Sii Emmanuel Baptist Church Priscilla Samual Kana Anders Esther K Wilson Letitia Melissa T Eunice Hannah Megan Liz Leonard Jaomi Yvonne

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April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 April 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 8:06 PM
guess who's baacckk!

hi ya'll! i'm back! not really. just suddenly feel like blogging again.

so let's see. i think facebook is overrated, THEREFORE, i deactivated it! :D

xoxo tania
-will promise to blog a little bit more this time,
not that anyone reads my blog, hehe :D

Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 7:24 PM
my awesomely cool brother :D

i've got like the coolest brother in the whole wide world!
check this out ---

((read Sam's personal message))

and look at the photo and i 'like'

whee.. it runs in my family? hahaha


Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 8:48 PM

am so sorry, but my blog is dead.
~miley cyrus is spueky, haha
xoxo tania

Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 6:11 AM
a word of testimony :)

after listening to Narmit preaching 2 days ago at Saturday night service, i've found out something.
because i remember listening to a sermon where the pastor said to praise God in everything, but, i got it wrong.
cause the bible said, praise God IN everything, not FOR everything. heh.. so yea.
IN and FOR are VERY different.

as ya'll know, last Tuesday, i went through a lot.
like Crystal said just now, is it call 'spiritual attack'? ahahahha.

i went for surgery in the afternoon and then at night i had gastric i think.
i vomited and was very weak, almost faint.
i was praying in tongues
(yes i am proud to say, God gave me the gift already :D)
and then i thought of the what the pastor said,
which i got it all wrong,
i was praising God in my heart although i was sitting in front of my toilet bowl,
barely able to talk or move, what more to say walk okay.
so there i was praising God,
for what he did in my life (which is the main point)
then....... i praised God for me being sick, although it was hard,
but somehow it made me smile cause God put in heart about all that he's done in my life.
i was thinking, if God were to take me that night, i would willingly go with Him.

i'm still trying to sort this 'situation' out. trying to find out what is God trying to say to me. gotta pray hard!

stay strong in faith peoples.
pray hard
be a history maker

xoxo tania :D

Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 6:11 PM

so yesterday i went to the rally thing at Borneo Convention Center
it was....
super duper extremely nice!

hmmm, let's see. i went there at around 6.
when i got there, the worship team were still doing their soundcheck etc
and we ate, ahahaha..
just a little bit tho

the guest started going in at about 740
didn't get to take lots of photos cause i brought my compact
and i feel so left out with everyone's big dslrs
so i've decided to bring along my dslr tonight.

Pastor Kelvin Loo preached last night.
the sermon was super nice. ahahaha, and funny (:

no pictures people, sadly


i strongly urge you people go join us at the rally tonight at

xoxo taniaa :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 7:52 PM
some here and there.

today's the hari yang terbesar! ahahaha.

to i've been

for the past 1 week, it's agony, i tell you

it's only 1055, sigh. am going earlier to school today.
only 4 hours to go! woohoooo!! so excited, OMGOSH!

i'm going koo kooooo~

mmm, Eileen's super duper delicious chocolate muffin.

xoxo taniaaa
`` see ya'll at the convention centre later :)

@ 4:14 AM

pumps are nice, ahahaha. but isn't it just a little to high? but i'm just liking it more and more
and yes, i know! i'm suppose to be studying.

xoxox tania :)

@ 3:22 AM

exams arE..................... NOT officially over YET. hahaha. just feel like saying that :D

tomorrow's the big day! wheee
only 1 paper left-SCIENCE *dun dun DUN*
let's see,
chinese was, AHAHAHAHAHA.
geo was alright
PK isn't as bad as i thought
english, easy
maths was quite not bad
moral, ermm, i didn't know what's bermuafakatkan (or something like that)
Sej was easier than i thought, which is quite hard

SANGAT BLOATED, choking already

xoxo taniaa :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 7:41 PM
arg people, ARG!

hello humans.

i'm having my pra-penggal 2 exams now. it's not as IMPORTANT as our term exams. 4 days only. to cover about 7 papers, it's alright. i'm having my maths, moral and english paper later. i like maths. but then, sometimes i'd wish it likes me back. i'm feeling random right now. ahahahaha..

oh ohh!! this friday, i'm having 1 paper only-science. since the paper ends at 330, i'll be going back straight after the paper. why. because. i'm going to DESTINY conference! yeahhh! well, not really the conference, conference, but the rally. i'm not allowed to go to the conference, ehehh. so yea, i'm pretty much VERY excited bout it.

and hmmm, i've got new toys! wheee!! thank you CRYSTAL kaki lang! muacks! love you tons. happy birthday!


right now i'm still thinking weather to bring my baby dslr to the conference. HMMMM. or just bring my other baby compact camera. hahaha..

hols are pretty near peoples. ave and i have TONS of plans. but then, there's Geo project. oh wells. hahaha.

also, i would like to add that, my braces are now green and blue :)

tata loves
xoxo tania

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 7:48 PM
in my mind

exams in 6 days. miseryyy

xoxo tania :)

Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 6:24 PM
why georgia, why?

well, am going to this Leo Installation later with, Choo Ling, Kai X'ing, Eunice, Amanda and Xin En. quite excited but then, my vest doesn't have any badges at all. i wanted to take my cousin's but they can't find it. darn.

well, i'll just go with a badge-less vest then, pfftss.. well, that's it i guess. hahaha..

ELMO is so cute and yes, i know the photo is quite crappy but hey, wasn't concentrating. no taking me photo please :)

xoxo tania

Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 7:06 AM
am so bored

yes, i'm not doing a very good job keeping this blog alive. ahahaha. hmmm, let's see. there's quite a few stuffs coming up

there's.. DESTINY conference on the 21st and 22nd Aug at Borneo Convention Center (somewhere around pending?)
went to the place just now, main hall is super duper huge! and it's not completed yet but it looks very the nice lo. and also, the sound system is WOW. super nice. well, i'm no professional but it sounds nice? and expensive. hahahaha.

and then.. EXAMS! oh my goodness! 17th till the 21st Aug. haven't studied yet, gonna start soon :) SOON, very soon. hehe

here are some stuffs that has been going on for the past few months...

Ozzy Osbourne, he's so cool, yes? 'SHARON, SHARROOONN!!'

yes, i'm that bored. and YEAH! i've got my 450D, it's so loving! my little baby :D

yes, i can be THAT retarded.

this, is the very scary thing found in my room, according to bibiana, 'and yet, another unknown scary object found in Tania's room'. hahaha..

pictures from ave's surprise party at 175 cafe :) had TONS of fun. ahahaha..

okay then, i guess this is it. i promise, i will update more regularly from now on aite? :D
xoxo taniaa

Thursday, July 9, 2009 @ 8:39 AM
few last minutes of being 13.

okay, so today's my birthday! yeah. but i have exactly 17 minutes to finish this post. hope i can make it before 12am. so ermm, basically, this year's birthday had been a lot of fun and stuffs :D

i celebrated my birthday on Sunday which is the 5th July, but my actual one is today, 9th July :D
i regret not inviting some of my friends cause i forgot bout it. but my house was literally PACKED! all of my friends who came were in my living room, some watching some retarded show, some playing PS2 *cough ahaha..

will upload the pics and continue my birthday post later. ahahahaaa

xoxo tania

Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 5:46 AM
i'm a horrible blogger-not that i am one but wait, am i? hmmm

i'm officially back to blogging. after a month plus of not updating, i am, finally, officially, updating :D

today is Sunday-last day of our mid year break-NOOOO!! time flies, sometimes.
this hols, nothing much to say. just go to facebook wonderland and look at those photos.
let's see,
31st-2nd ; retreat at Lundu
5th-6th ; mini youth camp at Village Groove
other than that, i go out, church, youth, watch korean dramas also. hahaha, very very nice.

oh yea, i CAN swim, not really can CAN but at least CAN swim. well, hello, isn't being able to move about in the water called swimming already? other than walking or jumping around or even clinging onto the wall and ermm, move? i don't know.

anyways, i know, my blog is officially dead. sighh, come one blog! REVIVE!!

touch the sky
xoxo tania :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009 @ 6:09 AM
i'm a bad person

school today was quite alright actually :D
tho the fact that ave, bi and i were always insulting people, i know, feel so bad right now.
goes something like this.

tan : hey bi, wanna see something scary?
bi : turns away and talk to someone.
tan : BIBIANA!!!
ave : laughs like crazy. points at bibiana. bibiana's scary? ahahahhaha
tan : ohh!! ahahahahahahahaaaa.............

tan : bi, guess what, gaYvin walked pass me and scream(i guess he was screaming cause to him, i'm 'scary'), i guess he looked in the mirror
both laughed like crazy and ave joined us too :D

tan : hey gaYvin, wanna see something scary?
gaYvin : what?
tan : just go look in the mirror.

it all happened before class, when we were dutying. i guess everyone was heat-stroked, hahahaa.. and don't mention bored! btw, they named a FROG after me, the saw one and named it tania. this is what you get from bored prefects :D probations please do not follow, we're bad examples.

and then we have the most famous one-----
tan from across the class : David! ( whose sitting in front of bi) i can smell you from here!! take a bath why doncha! everyone else laughss :D
created by bi, credits etc is to her inner smartness :D

i've updated!
xoxo tania